Introduction for conference CAAD



Dear colleagues:

The Virtual International Conference for  Advances in Therapies and Prevention of Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders will be held by China Association for Alzheimer’s Disease (CAAD) during the August 13-15, 2022. Language used will be English and Chinese.

As China has the largest number of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia in the world, which severely impacts Alzheimer’s Disease patients, their family, and society as a while. Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia are urgently needed with the growing aging population. CAAD is one of the top non-governmental organizations in China, and its main goal is to build a future where Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented and treated.

The purpose of this conference is to provide a world-class meeting platform for new information exchange, facilitate project matchmaking, and identify new ways to play an even more active role in AD prevention/treatment/caregiving for scientists, doctors, innovators and entrepreneurs. 

We extend our cordial invitation to you to attend this conference. 

The conference will include plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations in various themes, as well as exhibitions. In addition to the main venue, there will be 13 sub-session forums, including

(1) Clinical,

(2) Basic science/ mechanisms,

(3)  Biomarkers,

(4) Neuroimaging,

(5) AI new technology application,

(6) Caring technology,

(7) Non-drug therapy,

(8) Traditional Chinese medicine application,

(9) Rehabilitation training,

(10) Nutrition,

(11) Enterprise innovation exchange & exhibition,

(12) Early-stage prevention,

(13) Young scientist forum.

The detailed information is still being arranged.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours

Jun Wang,    MD, Ph.D.    

Chair of Virtual International Conference for Advances in Therapies and Prevention of Alzheimer’s and Related Neurological Disorders

President of CAAD (China Association for Alzheimer's Disease)

Address: 1007, 1 Kunsha Center,16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC 100027


TeL:86-10- 6342 0065           

Fax86-10- 8411 0913 


Address: 1007, 1 Kunsha Center, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC 100027

Tel:86-10-8411 0913

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